1 - Philly Donut Effect

In this assignment, we will practice our pandas skills and explore the “Donut Effect” within Philadelphia. The “Donut Effect” describes the following phenomenon: with more flexible working options and pandemic-driven density fears, people left urban dense cores and opted for more space in city suburbs, driving home and rental prices up in the suburbs relative to city centers.

We will be working with Zillow data for the Zillow Home Value Index (ZHVI) for Philadelphia ZIP codes. The goal will be to calculate home price appreciation in Philadelphia, comparing those ZIP codes in Center City (the central business district) to those not in Center City.

1. Load the data

I’ve already downloaded the relevant data file and put in the data/ folder. Let’s load it using pandas.

Note: Be sure to use a relative file path to make it easier to load your data when grading. See this guide for more info.

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
zip_df = pd.read_csv("data/Zip_zhvi_uc_sfrcondo_tier_0.33_0.67_sm_sa_month.csv")

2. Trim the data to just Philadelphia

Select the subset of the dataframe for Philadelphia, PA.

# or use isin to trim data

state_trim = zip_df["StateName"].isin(["PA"])
state_trim_df= zip_df.loc[state_trim]

philly_df = state_trim_df.loc[state_trim_df["City"] == "Philadelphia"]
RegionID SizeRank RegionName RegionType StateName State City Metro CountyName 2000-01-31 ... 2021-10-31 2021-11-30 2021-12-31 2022-01-31 2022-02-28 2022-03-31 2022-04-30 2022-05-31 2022-06-30 2022-07-31
125 65810 126 19143 Zip PA PA Philadelphia Philadelphia-Camden-Wilmington Philadelphia County 60701.0 ... 173114.0 172087.0 171445.0 171542.0 171680.0 171878.0 171607.0 171333.0 171771.0 172611.0
247 65779 249 19111 Zip PA PA Philadelphia Philadelphia-Camden-Wilmington Philadelphia County 85062.0 ... 257911.0 260104.0 262257.0 263715.0 264809.0 265684.0 267222.0 269460.0 272201.0 274446.0
338 65791 340 19124 Zip PA PA Philadelphia Philadelphia-Camden-Wilmington Philadelphia County 47155.0 ... 156225.0 157780.0 159029.0 159274.0 159886.0 160780.0 161929.0 163625.0 165020.0 166009.0
423 65787 426 19120 Zip PA PA Philadelphia Philadelphia-Camden-Wilmington Philadelphia County 59285.0 ... 161167.0 161807.0 162634.0 162972.0 163597.0 164008.0 164887.0 165860.0 167321.0 168524.0
509 65772 512 19104 Zip PA PA Philadelphia Philadelphia-Camden-Wilmington Philadelphia County 74255.0 ... 220270.0 221454.0 222006.0 220760.0 217933.0 216447.0 216424.0 218663.0 220453.0 223443.0

5 rows × 280 columns

3. Melt the data into tidy format

Let’s transform the data from wide to tidy using the pd.melt() function. Create a new column in your data called “ZHVI” that holds the ZHVI values.

def looks_like_a_date(col):
    """A function that tests if a string starts with '20'"""
    return col.startswith("20")
philly_tidy = philly_df.melt(
    id_vars = ["RegionName","RegionID"],
    value_vars = list(filter(looks_like_a_date, philly_df.columns)),
    var_name = "Date",
    value_name = "ZHVI",
RegionName RegionID Date ZHVI
0 19143 65810 2000-01-31 60701.0
1 19111 65779 2000-01-31 85062.0
2 19124 65791 2000-01-31 47155.0
3 19120 65787 2000-01-31 59285.0
4 19104 65772 2000-01-31 74255.0
... ... ... ... ...
12461 19153 65820 2022-07-31 247560.0
12462 19118 65785 2022-07-31 746009.0
12463 19102 65770 2022-07-31 347614.0
12464 19127 65794 2022-07-31 318732.0
12465 19137 65804 2022-07-31 222107.0

12466 rows × 4 columns

4. Split the data for ZIP codes in/outside Center City

To compare home appreciation in Center City vs. outside Center City, we’ll need to split the data into two dataframes, one that holds the Center City ZIP codes and one that holds the data for the rest of the ZIP codes in Philadelphia.

To help with this process, I’ve included a list of ZIP codes that make up the “greater Center City” region of Philadelphia. Use this list to split the melted data into two dataframes.

greater_center_city_zip_codes = [
center_city_zip = philly_tidy["RegionName"].isin(greater_center_city_zip_codes)
center_city = philly_tidy.loc[center_city_zip].copy()
RegionName RegionID Date ZHVI
9 19146 65813 2000-01-31 97460.0
12 19147 65814 2000-01-31 119919.0
14 19103 65771 2000-01-31 183436.0
18 19130 65797 2000-01-31 128477.0
33 19107 65775 2000-01-31 128049.0
... ... ... ... ...
12438 19130 65797 2022-07-31 431501.0
12453 19107 65775 2022-07-31 330958.0
12457 19123 65790 2022-07-31 443152.0
12458 19106 65774 2022-07-31 407423.0
12463 19102 65770 2022-07-31 347614.0

2168 rows × 4 columns

# Out_of_Center_City
out_of_center_city_zip = ~philly_tidy["RegionName"].isin(greater_center_city_zip_codes)
out_of_center_city = philly_tidy.loc[out_of_center_city_zip].copy()
RegionName RegionID Date ZHVI
0 19143 65810 2000-01-31 60701.0
1 19111 65779 2000-01-31 85062.0
2 19124 65791 2000-01-31 47155.0
3 19120 65787 2000-01-31 59285.0
4 19104 65772 2000-01-31 74255.0
... ... ... ... ...
12460 19129 65796 2022-07-31 302177.0
12461 19153 65820 2022-07-31 247560.0
12462 19118 65785 2022-07-31 746009.0
12464 19127 65794 2022-07-31 318732.0
12465 19137 65804 2022-07-31 222107.0

10298 rows × 4 columns

5. Compare home value appreciation in Philadelpia

In this step, we’ll calculate the average percent increase in ZHVI from March 2020 to March 2022 for ZIP codes in/out of Center City. We’ll do this by:

  • Writing a function (see the template below) that will calculate the percent increase in ZHVI from March 31, 2020 to March 31, 2022
  • Group your data and apply this function to calculate the ZHVI percent change for each ZIP code in Philadelphia. Do this for both of your dataframes from the previous step.
  • Calculate the average value across ZIP codes for both sets of ZIP codes and then compare

You should see much larger growth for ZIP codes outside of Center City…the Donut Effect!

def calculate_percent_increase(group_df):
    march_20sel = group_df["Date"] == "2020-03-31"
    march_22sel = group_df["Date"] == "2022-03-31"
    march_20 = group_df.loc[march_20sel].squeeze()
    march_22 = group_df.loc[march_22sel].squeeze()
    columns = ["ZHVI"]
    return (march_22[columns] / march_20[columns] - 1) * 100
# Center City Grouped
grouped_center_city = center_city.groupby("RegionName")
result_center_city = grouped_center_city.apply(calculate_percent_increase)
19102 -1.716711
19103 -1.696176
19106 2.520802
19107 2.883181
19123 5.212747
19130 6.673031
19146 6.480788
19147 6.139806
# Outside Center City Grouped
grouped_outside = out_of_center_city.groupby("RegionName")
result_outside = grouped_outside.apply(calculate_percent_increase)
19104 14.539797
19111 28.690446
19114 21.074312
19115 22.455454
19116 23.079842
19118 17.585001
19119 17.478667
19120 26.927423
19121 26.228643
19122 10.275804
19124 28.743474
19125 11.007135
19126 20.819254
19127 20.023926
19128 21.887555
19129 15.598565
19131 23.363129
19132 72.218386
19133 36.143992
19134 23.936841
19135 28.115259
19136 26.487833
19137 23.248505
19138 24.662626
19139 37.008969
19140 57.150847
19141 26.441684
19142 44.564396
19143 23.951077
19144 21.094020
19145 7.634693
19148 6.963237
19149 24.916458
19150 18.735248
19151 19.651429
19152 21.993528
19153 38.240461
19154 17.930932
# Center City Growth
result_cc_mean = result_center_city.mean().squeeze()
# Outside of Center City Growth
result_ot_mean = result_outside.mean().squeeze()
HV_growth = pd.Series([result_cc_mean,result_ot_mean])
Location = pd.Series(["Center City", "Outside Center City"])
final_result_df = pd.DataFrame({"Location": Location, "Home Value growth (%)": HV_growth})
Location Home Value growth (%)
0 Center City 3.312183
1 Outside Center City 25.022864

Donut Effect it is!